Historical Background
Major influencing factors were the Cold War, different opinions on Uyghurs, the Korean War, Turkey’s NATO identity, and Pan-Turkism Paranoia. By the 2000s, the two sides sped up
50th Anniversary and Economic Relations
Belt and Road
“Under the common vision for the future, our goal is to further improve the win-win relationship between the two countries. This is also part of the ‘Belt and Road’ spirit”
In this regard, Turkey aims to extend its cooperation with China and its strength in Middle Asia. In doing so, Turkey and China need to workon more agreements under ‘Belt and Road’ and
Moreover, BRI was introduced as an initiative that offers prosperity to member states. Turkey gave open support to BRI by 2013, which brought many investments from China. Turkey’s unemployment rate was 13.4% in 2021 (TUIK, İşgücü İstatistikleri, 2021). Especially after the Turkish Lira lost value, the country faced sanctions and conflicts and experienced pressure from other countries, hurting its economy. Furthermore, the Turkish economy suffered due to the pandemic in 2020. The crisis deepened as the Turkish economy is directly connected to foreign markets, foreign investments, and tourism. At this point, large-scale Chinese investments played a very significant role.
Turkish academia focuses on China more than ever. The number of academic articles on China Studies is increasing in Turkey.

Trust-Based Relations
Turkey and China have similar problems, such as the PKK and the Eastern Turkistan Islamic Movement. China does not support the PKK in any aspect.
Figure 1. Turkey’s Export-Import Rate with Mainland China
Trade Deficit Issue
Table 1. Turkey’s Export-Import Rate with Mainland China in Number

The Turkish side mentions the trade deficit situation in almost every diplomatic meeting with the Chinese side. China extends the number of import items from Turkey and encourages more Chinese companies to invest in Turkey. However, it’s not realistic to balance the export-import rate of the two countries in this way. Therefore, Turkey needs to have a clear import-export policy toward China. It must include attracting more Chinese investment and encouraging Turkish companies to invest in China, extending business between the two.
Economic Cooperation

China’s technology investments and support will contribute to developing Industry 4.0 and Society 5.0 concepts in Turkey.
Energy Technology Cooperation

COVID-19 Era
The two countries would take the 50th anniversary as an opportunity for further cooperation.
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